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Are You Looking for a community?

We'd love to ride with you! We're always looking for new members, and whether you've raced before or not - we can guarantee a friendly welcome. We'd love to hear from you!

Whether you have a background in cycling or not, we provide a welcoming community on and off the bike, as well as the resources and training to achieve any of your goals in cycling and beyond.

We specialize in nurturing those new to the sport just as much as sending experienced racers to national championships. Please email our officers if you're interested in finding out more.

The University of Michigan Cycling Club is a group dedicated to offering a place for competitive and non-competitive riders to share their passion of riding bikes. The club is INCLUSIVE and has riders from various backgrounds: undergraduates, graduate students, mountain bikers, cyclocross riders, and road racers. We provide the necessary logistical, social, and motivational support necessary for beginners to get into the sport and improve and for already skilled athletes to have a chance at national titles.



The collegiate racing calendar is broken down into three, non-overlapping collegiate seasons: mountain and cyclocross in the fall and road in the spring.  We will generally try to attend all the races on the calendar for road, most for mountain, and some of the cyclocross races. Since we race in the Midwest Collegiate Cycling Conference, some of the racing venues may be as far away as St. Louis, Kentucky, or even Wisconsin. We generally rent vans and arrange lodging for races. Each person racing must pay dues at the start of the racing season; in exchange, all race logistics are handled by the team (travel, lodging, etc). The racer only has to cover food for the weekend.

Spring Training Camp

During the spring, we arrange an informal training camp. For several years we have based this camp in Helen, GA. Nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains, this location provides us climbs and views we could only dream of in Michigan. This trip provides a unique team bonding experience that forges great friendships.


Meet our Officers

Feel free to contact any of our friendly, knowledgeable officers.

Al McWilliams

MTB Coach / Party Animal


VP / Chief Unity Manager

MTB Coordinator

Chief Logistics Officer

Head Coach

Molly Roberts

Social Media Chair
