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Winter: Omicron throws a curveball

Sam Fay

None of us expected Omicron, and unfortunately it has brought some new challenges. We are required to wear masks indoors when training, so we have paused our indoor training. Our coach will still be providing workouts for team members, but we won’t be meeting inside to do them. Thankfully, our race schedule seems on-track, with no disruptions so far. As always, reach out to the officers if you have any questions.

Fall 2021: Welcome Back

Sam Fay


Hey everyone!

I hope your summers were restful and fun!

This post is chock full of information so make sure you read it thoroughly. Not reading and following some of the Covid related rules below has the very real possibility of preventing us from continuing as a Club Sport.

Group Rides

We've gotten some good direction from club sports about group rides, namely that they can happen again! Thankfully we don't have to wear masks while exercising outdoors, and there are no social distancing requirements (aka normal group riding is back)! However, at each group ride attendance has to be taken and ResponsiBlue has to be checked. For attendance, I will link a Google Form to our website, all you have to do is select your name and certify that you are in good health, and then you're good to go after showing the ride leader your ResponsiBlue and the submitted GForm. "But how do I get my name on to the form?" I hear you all asking. It's easy, fill out your Participation Agreement!


  1. Go to MaizePages and login

  2. Click on Michigan Cycling

    1. Click "Join" if you haven't been made a member yet

  3. Scroll down to "Forms" and click on 2021-2022 Participation Agreement

  4. Fill it out (you will need to upload a photo of your health insurance card)

    1. If you don't have health insurance, you will need to obtain it (UHS offers student plans) This is a University requirement and there is no way for it to be waived

  5. Make sure you hit submit.

  6. Send a photo/screenshot of the completed submission to me

Once your submission has been approved, I will add your name to the Google Form, and you will be able to attend rides. I plan on updating the form weekly, and as these forms can take a while to be approved, I recommend doing this ASAP.

Note: If you plan on racing, there are more requirements including dues.


Festifall and Rec Sports Expo

Come find us at these events! Our Festifall Table will be in Section K, right by the Central Campus Belltower from 5pm to 8pm on Thursday! On Friday, we will be at the Rec Sports Expo from 3pm to 6pm on Palmer Field! We haven't met many of you in person yet, so come by and say hello!

Intro Ride and Mass Meeting

We don't have set dates and times for this yet, but plan on having an intro ride mid-September with a Mass Meeting (both an in-person and virtual option) the week after. You will need your Participation Agreement filled out and approved to join the Intro Ride.

Fall 2021: Summer Update

Sam Fay


Hi everyone! We are planning on having a more normal Fall 2021 semester but are waiting for more direct instructions from the Club Sports Department. Please continue to email us at We will add you to our prospectives mailing list so you can stay up to date as we have more information to share. Thanks!

COVID-19 (3/20/2021)

Sam Fay

Currently, all University of Michigan Club Sports activities are frozen due to the pandemic. For us, that means our race season, our rides, and practice, are all cancelled until further notice. We are currently in the planning stage for what our next year will look like with a focus on providing the safest activities for our student athletes. We don’t have anything ready to share, but we will update our email lists and this website when we have more information. In the mean time, please email if you’re interested in getting more information when things start back up again. Stay healthy out there!